Health Advisory

The Cost of Choosing the Wrong Doctor

Choosing the wrong doctor can take a toll on your health—and your finances.

A common question I get from friends, family and clients is about what type of doctor to see. It often goes something like this: “I’m having pain in my foot. Should I go to an orthopedic surgeon or a podiatrist?”

It’s no surprise that people find choosing a provider confusing, considering there are over 160 different types of medical specialties and subspecialties. Many of these specialists treat the same injuries or illnesses, but differ in their education, training, and approach. 

In some cases, your primary care physician will refer you to a specialist, but often, patients are left to themselves to figure out where to go. Choosing the right doctor is more complicated than simply Googling your symptoms and clicking on the first name.

4 Reasons to Consult with a Health Advisor When Choosing a Doctor

  1. You’ll avoid unnecessary costs. When you visit the right specialist first, you avoid paying extra copays and other out-of-pocket costs. 
  2. You’ll save time. Going to the wrong doctor wastes your time—and theirs. You’re not only wasting time in the waiting room at those appointments, you’re delaying your access to the right care.
  3. You’ll have better options. When faced with the same symptoms and health history, doctors can differ significantly in their diagnosis and treatment approach. Comparing doctors on your own requires time and effort, and there may be other types of specialists you haven’t considered that could treat your condition. At Better Health Advisors, we carefully vet doctors of all specialties before recommending them to clients, and we present clients with multiple options to help them find the right fit.
  4. You could prevent a misdiagnosis. A study published in The British Medical Journal found that diagnostic errors affect at least 1 in 20 adults in the United States. Seeing the right doctors will help you avoid a misdiagnosis, and so will getting a second opinion from another qualified physician.

For support finding the right doctors to meet your unique needs, reach out to an expert health advisor.
A health advisor expedites the process of getting great health care, whether you need assistance selecting the best insurance plan, finding a concierge doctor, arranging for mental health treatment or substance abuse recovery, or navigating other aspects of the healthcare system.

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